Infinite stratos season 1 blu-ray
Infinite stratos season 1 blu-ray



He has to learn how to exploit his opponents' weaknesses while mitigating their strengths. With each battle, Ichika acquires new techniques and grows stronger as an IS jock. Ichika is more powerful than he can possibly fathom his enormous potential is hindered only by his rookie idiocy. The action sequences play like a mix between a big robot battle and a boxing match from Fighting Spirit. As is characteristic of this series, these scenes are not innovative, but they expertly recreate successful techniques of earlier series. The fighting scenes in Infinite Stratos are outstanding.


Unfortunately, this series leaves Americans and Russians out of the fun. Laura is serious and militant-essentially a female version of Germany's portrayal in Hetalia. Charles, or Charlotte, is a fun French student, who has no qualms with nudity. Cecilia is a snobby British girl, who cooks bland food.

infinite stratos season 1 blu-ray

While Hetalia obviously influenced these characterizations, it's not nearly as overt. The stereotypes are good natured and harmless.

infinite stratos season 1 blu-ray

Similar to Hetalia, each of these characters are highly stereotyped caricatures of their nationalities. The cast includes a French, German, English, and Chinese students. But Charles turns out to be perhaps the most likeable female in the cast, so all is forgiven. It felt like a treasure chest of good gags and subplots were left on the table with this angle. I was disappointed that the producers did not stretch out Charles' ruse for a few more episodes-she makes her big reveal in the next episode. It's not a spoiler that "Charles", a French transfer student, is actually a girl. Later, Ichika rooms with another supposedly male character. These spats typically end with Ichika caught in the middle and Houki bashing him in the snot-locker with a kendo stick. This creates hilarious rage-fits among the other girls. Early on, Ichika rooms with his childhood friend and kendo champion, Houki. This series shines when it focuses on its large cast of females one-upping each other for Ichika's attention. Thankfully, these moments are short-lived and Infinite Stratos quickly regains its form. These scenes feel tacked on and try to introduce unnecessary and misplaced complexity into a storyline that didn't require it. Some eyeroll inducing Evangelion-like, introspective scenes sneak into later episodes. The only moments where Infinite Stratos slipped were when it took itself too seriously. I was often surprised when the credits rolled and eagerly skipped to the next episode. While Infinite Stratos tends to be formulaic and predictable, that doesn't detract from its entertainment value. And when Infinite Stratos sticks to this simple formula, it excels. The episodes encompass a typical day in the life of a teenage boy who is surrounded by over-hormonal, hyperactive girls with jiggly parts. No grand storyline exists through most of the series. By then end of the series, Ichika has an absurdly massive throng of girls chasing after him. A new student challenges him to a battle, Ichika stumbles into an unlikely victory, and his former opponent falls madly in love with him. In a typical episode, the ladies fawn over Ichika. Infinite Stratos episodes are largely self-contained and formulaic. Being the only guy attending a teenage academy has its benefits: every girl in the academy wants poor Ichika. He enrolls in the all-female Infinite Stratos Academy to learn how to control an IS. Ichika, a 15-year-old boy, discovers that he is the only male in the world who can pilot IS units. In theory, nobody gets seriously hurt in these battles. Instead, students use IS units in a UFC-like combat sport where the winner takes down her opponent's shields. IS units are not allowed in military combat. Infinite Stratos (IS) are female-operated exoskeletons that exist in limited quantities throughout the world. However, it mixes portions of harem and sports anime in with bits of Hetalia, Evangelion, Vandread to concoct a highly entertaining brew. Infinite Stratos does not bring anything innovative to anime.

infinite stratos season 1 blu-ray

It's an anime hallmark many view this subgenre as oversaturated with titles such as Tenchi, El Hazard, Love Hina, and their countless imitators. For those who don't know, harem anime series feature a swarm of hot girls with crazy hair that inexplicably battle for the affection of a dorky lead character. As long as these shows stay light and stray from unnecessarily complicating the story, these shows are usually time well spent.

infinite stratos season 1 blu-ray

Somehow harem anime series never get old for me.

Infinite stratos season 1 blu-ray